"Foot of Snow Paralyses London"... "Snow shuts down British capital"
We had a belated Aussie day bbq on the Sunday.. which turned out to be an oven and grill as with the wind our fuel stove just wasn't working properly for some reason... and as every
one started leaving the snow started to fall...
By the time the sun went down the ground was well and truly covered and when we woke up literally everything was white... We had both got up early predicting traffic could be a little slow... took a while to get going... shovelling the snow off the car... but me, being in the cruiser had no issues at all getting to work... Matt also had gotten most of the way before getting a call from his boss saying no need to go into work today... was a little sliipery for him.. and he finally slowed down when he saw a car had gone off the road!.. I did get a call though saying he had gotten stuck... but only at the bottom of our street.. so he could walk! - thought I was going to have to come and get him...
I did get to leave work early though... they didn't want any of us travelling in the dark.. though not many people had actually made it in anyway... This made Matt happy as well... I think he was a little put out that I had the cruiser and there was all this thick snow around... literally ass soon as I got in... he jumped in and went for a drive...
So all in all we both didn't really know what all the fuss was about... just thought it was a bit of a laugh and really pretty!
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