'A full one day!! Hired a taxi for the day who took us to the floating markets, an elephant farm (which I wouldn't actually recommend doing unless you really want to just be able to say you've ridden an elephant, felt a bit sorry for them).. from there we headed out to the River Kwai, which was great to see... spent a bit of time there before our taxi driver took us to a tiger temple... This is worth doing... felt like the Tigers were more in natural surroundings and well looked after... was a little bit strange sitting so close to them... specially when they started waking up when it started raining! The cubs were great though, just like playing with a puppy!!.. Just always at the back of your mind that they can snap and turn around and bite your calf.
It was a long day, but a really worthwhile one... Must have been about a 300km journey all up, but still worked out cheaper than going on an organised tour. But best of all we could keep to our
own pace.
It was a long day, but a really worthwhile one... Must have been about a 300km journey all up, but still worked out cheaper than going on an organised tour. But best of all we could keep to our
Once we were back in Bangkok, managed to find a bar televising the Bledisloe, just in time to see the last 5 mins...so close yet so far... d'oh!!!!
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